treq: High-level Twisted HTTP Client API ======================================== Release v\ |release| (:doc:`What's new? `). `treq `_ depends on a recent Twisted and functions on Python 2.7 and Python 3.3+ (including PyPy). Why? ---- `requests`_ by Kenneth Reitz is a wonderful library. I want the same ease of use when writing Twisted applications. treq is not of course a perfect clone of `requests`_. I have tried to stay true to the do-what-I-mean spirit of the `requests`_ API and also kept the API familiar to users of `Twisted`_ and :class:`twisted.web.client.Agent` on which treq is based. .. _requests: .. _Twisted: Quick Start ----------- Installation .. code-block:: console $ pip install treq GET +++ .. literalinclude:: examples/ :pyobject: main Full example: :download:` ` POST ++++ .. literalinclude:: examples/ :pyobject: main Full example: :download:` ` Why not 100% requests-alike? ---------------------------- Initially when I started off working on treq I thought the API should look exactly like `requests`_ except anything that would involve the network would return a :class:`~twisted.internet.defer.Deferred`. Over time while attempting to mimic the `requests`_ API it became clear that not enough code could be shared between `requests`_ and treq for it to be worth the effort to translate many of the usage patterns from `requests`_. With the current version of treq I have tried to keep the API simple, yet remain familiar to users of Twisted and its lower-level HTTP libraries. Feature Parity with Requests ---------------------------- Even though mimicking the `requests`_ API is not a goal, supporting most of its features is. Here is a list of `requests`_ features and their status in treq. +----------------------------------+----------+----------+ | | requests | treq | +----------------------------------+----------+----------+ | International Domains and URLs | yes | yes | +----------------------------------+----------+----------+ | Keep-Alive & Connection Pooling | yes | yes | +----------------------------------+----------+----------+ | Sessions with Cookie Persistence | yes | yes | +----------------------------------+----------+----------+ | Browser-style SSL Verification | yes | yes | +----------------------------------+----------+----------+ | Basic Authentication | yes | yes | +----------------------------------+----------+----------+ | Digest Authentication | yes | no | +----------------------------------+----------+----------+ | Elegant Key/Value Cookies | yes | yes | +----------------------------------+----------+----------+ | Automatic Decompression | yes | yes | +----------------------------------+----------+----------+ | Unicode Response Bodies | yes | yes | +----------------------------------+----------+----------+ | Multipart File Uploads | yes | yes | +----------------------------------+----------+----------+ | Connection Timeouts | yes | yes | +----------------------------------+----------+----------+ | HTTP(S) Proxy Support | yes | no | +----------------------------------+----------+----------+ | .netrc support | yes | no | +----------------------------------+----------+----------+ | Python 3.x | yes | yes | +----------------------------------+----------+----------+ Table of Contents ----------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 howto testing api changelog Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`